Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Step Inside my Chuppah Time Machine!

I thought I’d show you some of the chuppahs of the past before I get rolling on the current chuppah (ingenious procrastination, you ask? Well maybe. I would prefer to think of it as a little show and tell.)

~ Here (above) is the first chuppah I made and the lovely couple who said, “We trust you!” when I asked if they would kind of like to see it before it was completed.

Interesting factoids:
• Inspiration: The couple, Danya Underwood Rivlin and Eyal Rivlin, are ridiculously talented musicians who have a magical Hebrew Chanting CD called Coming Home. The heart in between the two figures at the center of the quilt actually is an 'open heart' pocket in which the couple could tuck vows or something special from their wedding day.
• Amazingly, the chuppah was featured in an online article I was interviewed for about eco-friendly Jewish weddings for the Forward.
• Lessons learned: Make sure you sew the ties that connect chuppah to the poles holding it up really well. It almost (almost) blew away during the beautiful lakeside ceremony. Also, each chuppah is the expression of that couple’s unique love—or as  my friend Gayle put it, the chuppah tells a story (thanks Gayle!).

~ The next chuppah I made wasn’t for anyone in particular, and it was my first time working with silk.

Interesting factoids:
• Inspiration: A sketch I did. (though I did not invent the ancient spiral pattern)
• Appeared in: a guest blog post I wrote for the Green Bride Guide.
• Lessons learned: Getting design from your brain to fabric can be harder than you anticipate! Also, sewing on sequined fabric—maybe not such a great idea.

Next Time: I will open the chuppah vault and show you Chuppah #1 for 18chuppahs: the lavender chai chuppah I started last year and hope to finish now. (Does an unfinished chuppah age like fine wine?)...


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