Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Dreaming is about waking up." - Callings by Gregg Levoy

"Please make of my life what you would have it to be...Dear God, may I begin again."--
Marianne Williamson, Illuminated Prayers.

     Hello, blog. I know it's been a while. Last we spoke I was heading to Florida with a chuppah stuffed into a carry-on for a possible marketing connection. It turned out that I didn't get to share it with the person I expected to, but, I did finally get to show a chuppah in person to my family. I had it spread out on a bed when my nephew walked by and said with a shy smile, "You know, if you ever want to bring us a present...." It was nice to know he appreciated it!
    I've continued to be more in my mind than at my sewing machine lately, and when this happens, it feels like the two are worlds apart from each other.
     Lately, though, reading Deepak Chopra's "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire," which is about tapping into the synchronicities of the universe, I have been reminded of how important it is to meditate and how it helps to 'ground' me in the physical world as part of its many benefits.
     Once you can get yourself to do that, you do start to see how all the brain/busy work you are doing could be simplified by just stopping, sitting, and breathing.
     You can read all the books you want to help you grow, learn, or focus--but if the answers to your questions lie within, then it seems to me you're going to have to look in there at some point.
     So, as I find that fabric I bought a year ago, for a wall hanging inspired by a Snatum Kaur song (not a chuppah project, but one of those is usually simmering), I am grateful to have taken a small step back to myself, and what inspires me.


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